Youth Unemployment – Lost and Found! Youth Exchange financed through Youth in Action European Programme!

Scoop Welzjin from Almelo, Holland  as Project Coordinator , Imago Mundi from Romania and Youthfully Yours from Greece, will organize a youth exchange on the theme of unemployment. Local activities will unfold in all three countries involved between 1 May ad 30th November 2013, while the exchange in itself will take place between 11- 21 July 2013  in the city of Almelo, Holland!

The theme of our project ”Youth unemployment: Lost and Found!”  is empowering youths to influence youth unemployment. The project will take place in Almelo, the Netherlands. The project is a youth exchange between 12 Greek, 12 Romanian and 12 Dutch schoolgoing  youths in the age of 16-21 years old, and two youthworkers from each country.        

 The future of schoolgoing and graduating  youths in Europe is not looking bright. Because of the economic crisis and rising youth unemployment they are called ”the Lost generation”. During  this project the participating youths will focus on what they can do to shake that expression. Through  a combination of non-formal educational techniques such as games, discussion sessions, presentations and role playing exercises, the youths will learn about the differences and similarities between the 3 participating countries. They will draw up different factors of youthunemployment in their countries, and debate the questions:

Which factors are common and which can they influence  on micro, meso and macro level?

What can youths do themselves to better their position on the labourmarket,  what do they think can be done on local level, and what could be done on European level, to fight youthunemployment?

With the help of an advertising agency, and through different creative workshops, the youths will create a PR campaign to get their message across. At the end of the week, this PR campaign will be released to the public, through a ”release party” organized by the youths. After the youthexchange, the youths will enroll the PR campaign back home in their countries and local communities!

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