,,Its up to Youth,, Camapaign at the Finish line!

Our PR campaign was unfolded as part of the Youth Unemployment: Losty and Found! project, funded through the Youth in Action programe, action 1.1 Youth Exchanges, coordinated by Scoop Welzijn and with Imago Mundi Youth Association from Romania and Youthfully Yours from Greece as partners. The exchange unfolded between 11 – 21st of July 2013 in Almelo and Amsterdam, Netherlands! A series of local campaigns followed the exchange, untill the end of November 2014.

The Its up to YOUth ! campaign was organized and implemented by the Romanian youths in October – November 2013 in theFotor0127203129 county of Arges,Romania and it was launched through a press conference on 15th of October 2013. Through debates using non-formal methods, more than 200 young people from rural and urban areas were encouraged to take action regarding their own future, become better prepared and equipped for the challenges they will face on the labor market. In Romania, a major issue is that teenagers undertake a exam at 14 years old that determines in what high school they are admitted ( a industrial profile, a vocational or human studies one), a institution with good or bad reputation, and this basically can determine if they go or not to college and therefore the rest of their life.

 They received information on the most demanded jobs on today s market, received information on scholarships available as well as on opportunities for volunteering in their county. A online part, surveys and posting information on Facebook groups and on Blogs were also part of the campaign, and the youths were challenges to take part in online debates. The youths that participated at the exchange organized all the campaign but they also took in the organization team other youths among the volunteers of Imago Mundi and from their own high schools. The campaign unfolded through out the district of Arges with debates 3 major high schools from the city of Pitesti (200 000 inhabitants) and in 4 schools from the rural areas. The campaign benefited from extensive media coverage, which only encouraged the youths and also increased the impact of the PR campaign!

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