Imago Mundi: Orienteering in Antalya! Youth Exchange 1 – 8 February 2016

Imago Mundi Association took part in a new Youth Exchange financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme. The exchange took place in Antalya, Turkey between 31 January and 8 February and it gathered together volunteers and youth workers from Turkey, Poland and Romania.

Being part of the project „World youth meets Orienteering in Antalya!”, the exchange was organized by Kanyon Youth and Outdoor Sports Club. The main topic was Orienteering, a competitive sport about being the fastest one in finding your way around with a map and compass, and, of course, your own sense of orientation. The participants were first introduced to the basics of this sport, and in the final days a competition was organized in the city center of Antalya.

The participants found a new meaning for practicing sport, that of learning about new cultures from the other people they practice it with. It was also a good way to develop communication skills between people coming from different cultures, in a competitive and also intercultural environment.

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